Introducing OSyM Leadership
Principal Investigators
Dr. Dianna Padilla, Ecology and Evolution, Stony Brook University, (phenotypic plasticity)
Dr. Kendra Greenlee, Biology, North Dakota State University (physiology)
Dr. Dianna Padilla (PI), Ecology and Evolution, Stony Brook University, (phenotypic plasticity), and Dr. Kendra Greenlee (CoPI), Biology, North Dakota State University (physiology) are the leaders of the OSyM RCN. Padilla was the PI of the workshops that lead to this RCN, and she and Greenlee worked hard on several efforts to finally get this RCN funded.
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee plays an important role in keeping the RCN on track and providing input from scientists with a range of expertise. They will be playing a vital role in guiding training opportunities and determining priorities for research exchanges and funding of symposia for the RCN.
Dr. Patsy Dickinson, Biology, Bowdoin College (neurophysiology)
Dr. Daniel Grünbaum, Biological Oceanography, University of Washington (applied mathematics, engineering, modelling)
Dr. Mimi A.R. Koehl, Graduate School, University of California Berkeley (biomechanics, mathematical biology)
Dr. H. Frederik Nijhout, Biology, Duke University (developmental biology and evolution)