OSyM brown bag lunch at the annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB)
At the annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) in Tampa Florida in January there was a brown bag lunch meeting to introduce the community of organismal biologists to the new OSyM RCN. This was a question and answer session to inform the community about the goals of this new RCN and the opportunities it will provide for organismal biologists, engineers and modelers to build collaborations as well as obtain advanced training through workshops and research exchanges.
The OSyM steering committee is planning on having a presence at annual SICB meetings for the next several years. They are also looking for additional meetings, particularly meetings frequented by applied mathematicians, modelers and engineers who have interest in working with organismal biologists to take systems-level approaches to answer important biological questions. So, if you have suggestions, please let the steering committee know! Similarly, if you know of upcoming meetings that would be of interest to the community, please let the steering committee know so that such events can be posted on our website.